Thursday, July 13, 2017

Weigh your words


  1. All my images are self-portraits, even when I'm not in them.


  2. Drawing without a life class.
    If you can't find a class, or want to practice on your own.
    Be your own model.
    In the absence of somebody else to draw, try modelling for yourself. Draw your own hands and feet from life or set up a mirror for a self-portrait. All the principles of figure drawing will still apply, except you'll only have yourself to blame if your model fidgets.

  3. Why not?
    I will not make any more boring art.
    Start taking some risks.

  4. The gifted self, focus on the benefits or gifts that you have received in your life. These gifts could be simple everyday pleasures, people in your life, personal strengths or talents, moments of natural beauty, or gestures of kindness from others.
